Iain is 100% boy and wanted his shoes put on over his footie pajamas so that he could be outside and play. It was a beautiful day! Even though he awoke with purple shivering lips he wanted to brave the chilly morning to enter his wild backyard adventure. With a hat and Hot Wheels "CAR" in hand, he was so excited to get into his minimal amount of mischief. The logs in the woodpile make an excellent "CAR" and if he can't find any more little rocks in the window wells, then it would be time to stuff the watering can with pieces of mulch and pick dead leaves off of Papa's rhododendron.

Fiona does not want to eat solids, but tonight I figured she is crying and I could try stuffing some applesauce down the hatch. She was delighted to be eating with Iain! She didn't eat very well, but he decided that he should holler at her when she was trying to grab a hold of the salt and pepper shakers. "Ahh yaya whadya nananene!" It was something like that, and he was shaking his spoon full of cottage cheese in her direction.

Since Jake worked 9-6 at West Glen and 6-9 at Valley West, I was a single mom the entire day. I am so thankful that we are a team, because I wouldn't be able to handle the babies by myself every day. I could tell that they were both out of sorts without him and so was I. It was easy for me to get Fiona ready for bed by 7:30 and Iain was quick to follow at 8ish. Thankfully, the sun is setting earlier, so it is darker sooner and easier for them to be tired. We had stories and singing, and they were off to bed. We will be on our own tomorrow night as well, since Jake has his late Thursday night.

1 comment:
Like mother, like daughter. It is probably no coincidence that I had the pictures you included in your blog enlarged and included in my latest order from Snapfish. Those faces! Those eyes! That mischief! Keep writing dearest--you will be famous one day. Mom BK
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