In 2007, the bet was made over the Iowa-Iowa State game that whichever team won, we would wear those colors for our Christmas card. The cyclones won, and we wore RED!! Go Clones!!

2008, was a veddy, veddy bad year for the Cyclones, and since the bet was the same, we should have had on black and gold in the family Christmas card. Jake seemed to somehow feel...bad...about bypassing all of our very cute family photos, and he didn't want to seem to make anyone take a photo of us in black and gold, so we had our elfish prison pajamas. On January 1st, we invaded the Big Josephs to watch the Outback Bowl and cheer the Hawks to a 31-10 victory over the South Carolina Game Cocks. We all tried to wear something Hawk, but the big thing was to try to get me into this teeny tiny Hawk shirt (it really did fit before having the breastfeeding boobs and saggy baby tummy).

Becky has made an adorable bumble bee sweater for Iain and a matching hat for Fiona. He has had serious issues with this item, and it was no exception during photo time. So since we didn't broadcast the Hawk photo on our Christmas card, the least I can do to try to make good on a bet is to designate one blog day to the Iowa Hawkeyes and my husband's love for his alma mater and favorite college football team.
*Note: I get these confused looks from people all of the time, when they discover that Jake and I are in a "mixed marriage." How on earth could I not be a Hawk fan? I grew up in Iowa City, so why on earth would I not be a Hawk fan?? The world should know, that I made a conscious decision to leave Iowa City and go to Ames to get away from my family. and be in a new place with new scenery. :o) I had a very fun college career at Iowa State University, and my 4 year degree bleeds cardinal and gold. I love the "Bells of Iowa State" and my pride soared when my little brother was asked to kick footballs at Iowa State. I was even more pleased when two years after that, my little little brother also decided to attend ISU!! I am not a Hawk hater, except on those days that we have the inTRAstate rival games in football, basketball, wrestling, know the CyHawk Series. Even if we are beat in athletics, it does give me great pride that ISU students seem to have bigger brains. I could be overstating here, but that is just what I feel.
I feel your pain Erin! Matt is a Hawk and I am a CYCLONE for life!! I think he mostly likes to say he is a Hawk fan just to get under my skin. =) I think it is natural to be a big fan of your alma mater. I have the best memories from my time at ISU too.
We would be interstate rivals, were we both on I 80!!!! but we are INTRAstate rivals! Touche!
Signed.... Jake
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