- I have made one layer cake each week for the past three weeks. The first was the Perfectly Hershey Chocolate cake for the "girls" night that I planned for my future sister-in-law to get the dish on the proposal, how she is feeling, maybe a tease at some wedding plans...but this was mostly an excuse to drink wine and have girl talk. It was not a girls evening, but instead a kid night with men. The newly engaged couple are joined at the hip, and my babies are joined at mine. Fiona flipped out a 103+ fever as she was cutting her first tooth/teeth and Iain took a tumble off a step ladder during our "adult" meal which resulted in time spent consoling him while on the phone with a nurse getting concussion watch instructions. (We had a 48 hour concussion watch, where we were suggested to keep Iain in bed with us in case he would start vomiting while asleep...this did not go over well, especially after a swift kick to the gonads almost had Jake vomiting in bed. Iain did not sleep with us. He did not have a concussion from falling, but could have had one from Jake whopping him on the head after the kick to the gonads...OK I made that part up about Jake hitting Iain because poor Honey was paralyzed with pain and gritting his teeth, wincing...Jake did throw Iain back into his bed.)
- Fiona is a very mobile baby, scooting down the hallways and climbing up the stairs in the office. She is pulling herself up to stand next to couches and chairs, but not quite to the cruising stage. She likes climbing onto our laps in order to stand and wiggle and giggle. Aside from the teething episodes, she is a completely happy baby full of laughter and squeals.
- On February 13th, we were the proud parents of a TWO YEAR OLD. Layer cake #2 was a white cannoli cake with chocolate whip cream frosting. I made an Italian Feast since Iain loves pasta and meatballs. I can officially say that I made my very best batch of sauce, and I must attribute it to the short ribs that cooked in the sauce all day. They were delicious! The meatballs were also tasty, but the stuffed artichokes were never stuffed and therefore never served. I think we should have stuffed artichokes for dinner!
- We have acquired a new dog. Since I like being official, his official name is Caesar. We have opened our home to this French Bulldog who needed a place after his previous owner had a stroke. He is giving Brutus a run for his money and food and places to snuggle us on the couch, but overall the beasts are getting along very well. Iain loves to let them go outside, and he also love, love LOVES to be outside with them. These little smash nosed tanks are wonderfully behaved especially after they chase each other around the yard.
- With a new dog, we have somehow acquired more toys. Caesar came with an entire laundry basket of dog toys, which were all over our house until I brought out my "old tomato" a.k.a. ultimatum that Jake start picking up after "his" dog, or I was going to send "the" dog back to where he came from.
- Caesar now has the worst flatulent of the entire family, including (but not limited to) Jake.
- Jake tried very, very hard to surprise me on Valentine's Day, but he failed because I am a stubborn wench.
- We have a new piano that is a very old antique piano, and I love it! I have had a few fun sessions of tickling the actual ivory keys, and Iain and Fiona love music so this has also been a wonderful addition to our family.
- Iain can NOT wait for spring when he can be running outside with his dogs. He forlornly looks out the window in hopes of a warm day.
- Iain scratched my cornea on Wednesday, so my vision is slightly blurry on the right half of my life.
- Jake continues to practice red neck snow removal by using our leaf blower.
- We were asked to speak at a Love/Marriage/Why do I like you forum for the post high school crowd at church. Jake and I were very nervous about sharing, however we had a great time and didn't want to leave! We learned some wonderful things about another couple at church and it has been very fun getting a more rounded out picture of people that we fellowship with.
- We had our very first field trip to the Des Moines Science Center of Iowa. Thrills and chills learning about science and some creepy crawly reptiles and amphibians. When do we get to learn about theatre? :o)
- Caesar still has the very worst farts ever!
- The third layer cake was made for coffee group, since a very dear friend was turning 30. I feel layer cake #3 was actually better than #1 even though I used the same exact recipe.
- Iain has learned his first letter...the letter O.
- We have our first homeschool materials! Iain has some very basic coloring worksheets with numbers and letters as well as some flashcards.
- I used A Beka curriculum from K-12th grade, and it was so exciting to see fun A Beka books for my little man.
- Fiona is eating anything and everything in sight! Iain does not like eating the food that I make, so we have had some interesting days in the life of a constipated toddler.
- Iain has decided that he likes taking pictures of me, when I want to take pictures of him.
Jake and I planned to have one date night per month, with just the two of us and no other function or friends, but just us. We have kept this for January and we have February scheduled...on the 28th, but at least we have a plan!
- Jake and I, well mostly Erin, have been trying to figure out what we talked about before we got married that didn't involve babies, finances or work. Somehow we managed to stay on the phone for hours, plus the driving for each of us once a week between Des Moines and Iowa City was a time investment for both of us to only see each other. How is it that we see each other every day, and can't seem to find as much to talk about?
- I haven't made time to watch the news in several weeks, so I do feel slightly disconnected from all of the crap going on in the world around me.
- My big news for most of the days would be related to dog or baby poop.
- Jake and I probably don't laugh over a tray of sushi as often as we used to, but when cleaning the house and discovering piles of toys that the couch has eaten, we feel like we have found buried treasure, and we still laugh with each other, and I love it.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Absence = 25 Random Things
There is an epidemic of 25 random things to talk about on Facebook and we even had something like that at coffee this past week. So since my absence from blogging about all of these little Josephs we have had way more than 25 random things take place over the past month, but here are some of our highlights:
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1 comment:
In my haste and excitement to post a blog, I did not check my spelling. I do leave the spell check to the computer, because I am a very bad speller. I do know that I need to spell my new stinky farting dog's name correctly and that is Caesar. Sorry to offend...mostly embarrass myself.
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