My poor little man has had a rough week! First a face plant at Reiman Gardens on the brick pathway after tripping on the new, really stupid idea, metal lawn edging. He split open his upper and lower lip and chipped his precious little tooth. I was extremely traumatized, but I am slowly getting over it.

We had a great time at Reiman Gardens looking at all of the dinosaurs on display. I have visited Reiman Gardens many times during college and after graduating I still make it up there at least once a year. This was the first time I remember seeing so many roses so heavy laden with blooms! In years past, I have always missed the prime viewing of the rose garden, but this year was the exception.

Iain and Fiona absolutely loved the butterfly house. We could have stayed in there for hours! It was stinkin' hot though and the adults were dripping from all different places. There were some new amazing butterflies also, and we had a great time looking at the pinned dead butterflies as well as the emergence chamber. A great day trip, aside from the traumatic tooth incident. During several phone calls later in the day from concerned family members checking on the little guy, Iain was very quick to tell people about the "Sours" which are dinosaurs, the "flies" which are butterflies, and when asked about his tooth or teeth he would merely respond, "owwie!"

Iain officially has chickenpox. The photos should tell the story....

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