I was trying to get this blog posted on the day! But I had my little 3 year old telling me to "get ready for my party! my friends coming soon!"
After I took the cake out of the oven, and let it cool before dumping it out of the cake pan, I got into bed along side Husband and said, "Three years ago, where was I at?" Pretty groggy he said, "I don't know..." I kicked him. "Was I pushing at this point? or was I just turned up as high as possible on the contraction inducing drugs? Oh nevermind...I guess the better question would be, where were you? Making jokes in front of me, or visiting with my brother in the waiting room?"

Every long minute and every crazy machine that was hooked on me or inside of me was worth it. After 40 testing weeks of pregnancy, I found every ounce of discomfort or pain to melt away when I held my 9 pound 3 ounce baby boy to my chest for the very first time. To look at his face and watch him take his first air born breathes, complete elation washed over me.

We didn't know what to call him. Every name that we liked just didn't fit. After half of a night's rest, and so many important people to have their first hold of the first of a new generation on both sides, we decided on Iain Fitzwilliam. Still riding the high of our Scottish themed wedding, we were browsing through Celtic names and as Husband read down a list, my ears perked up with Iain. "What does it mean?"
God is gracious. "Perfect! We'll take it! Iain Fitzwilliam..." The Fitzwilliam was the only thing I had planned and it was for a middle name, and it is from Austen's
Pride and Prejudice. (I like it, so there. I have had quite a bit of grief over the length and sound of Fitzwilliam, but does it sound any worse than someone naming their son OR daughter Peyton, after Peyton Manning? Hardly!) I still struggle with Will's "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" since I can never get Anne Shirley out of my head saying, "A rose couldn't smell as sweet if it was named a skunk cabbage..."

Such a good baby, and such an active little boy. He is always moving around, creating, pretending things with his massive imagination, and loves discovering the backyard. 100% boy by having collections of rocks in the garden, trying to escape the fence and chasing the dog with a stick, laughing all of the way. His spirit is quiet and sweet during prayer with Jesus and always tells Husband to "drive safe!" on his way to work. He takes such good care of "Foner Lynn" by sharing his food and drink with her, and listening for her to wake up each morning. He is starting to be a bit bossy with his Mama telling me "don't touch it Mama, remember" when I try to help him on the potty or by getting him into bed. He knows that his independence still has limits and pretty soon changes his tone to "Help me Mama." I was glowing when he told everyone that I had made his birthday cake and he had to show it off to each person that came for his dinner. After singing "Happy Birthday" along with everyone, he looked straight at me and said, "Thank you Mama. I love you too," and gave me the best bear hug from my little man.

Iain, my hope for you is that you continue to explore this world that God has created for our enjoyment. I pray that you will come to an understanding and knowledge of a Savior who loves and died for you, and that you seek His kingdom first. I pray for a godly wife for you, and that her parents are striving to raise her to love the Lord. I hope that you will never see limits in life only challenges that you wish to conquer and that you don't ever take life too seriously, because your laugh melts my heart and your smile lights up a room. God has blessed me with you, and I am so thankful that your Papa told me to "jump in" with him. You are my life's example of allowing God to be in control and I see the wonderful blessings he had in store.
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